How to File a Home Insurance Claim

Updated May 3, 2024  |   Published March 9, 2023

We know that accidents happen around the home sometimes. Often, it’s because of things that may be out of your control, like a fire, or fallen tree. Insurance companies are here to help in the event of an accident. From the time that you file your home insurance claim until the moment that a settlement is reached and you are compensated for your losses. Here are some steps and useful tips on how you can file a claim on your car.

Why would I file a claim on my home?

First let’s start off with some reasons that you may file a claim on your home:

  • The estimate is significantly more than your deductible. You should highly consider repairing damages yourself if the cost to repair the damage is only marginally higher than your deductible. Your rates are guaranteed to go up once you file a claim, regardless of whether you end up repairing the damages yourself or not. This is because your home is seen as a greater risk to your insurer. If you have lots of small claims with insurance payouts, your rates will increase significantly, and you potentially are at risk for non-renewal of your policy.
  • The damaged is covered and extensive. Homeowners insurance is not intended to cover everyday maintenance or minor repair costs. It is designed to cover significant and unexpected losses. These types of events should generate a claim. For example, a fire in your home is of serious significance and potentially a catastrophic situation.
  • You have an endorsement for the damage. An endorsement is add-on coverage for something a standard home insurance policy does not normally cover. Endorsements can even extend coverage limits above what a standard policy offers. It often makes senses to file a claim when the damage is covered by an endorsement, because usually these are costly repairs.

It’s always a good idea to contact your insurance agent to figure out whether you want to file a claim or not. At WebFirst Insurance, our agents will help you determine whether filing a claim is really worth your time and effort based on your losses, or potential losses.


How do I file a home insurance claim?

There are a couple ways that you can file a claim at WebFirst Insurance.

  1. The first way you can file a claim is by contacting one of our agents over the phone. One of our agents will collect information from you, and transfer you to the claims department of the insurance company that your policy is with. The second way is by going to our website and clicking on the “Claims” tab on the top menu bar. After clicking on claims, you can find the company who holds your insurance policy, and you can contact them directly. Usually they will have a phone number listed; some companies also have forms to file a claim on their website.
  2. After the claim is filed, the insurance company will send out an adjuster to inspect the damage to your home. He or she will determine what damages can be covered under your policy.
  3. If you home is unlivable while repairs are occurring, you will be offered temporary housing in a hotel or other means, which you will be reimbursed for up to the policy limits under the loss of use.
  4. After assessing the damage, the adjuster will analyze and determine what is the appropriate amount for you to be compensated. The adjuster will reach out to you with an amount, and you can either accept it or deny it.
  5. If you choose to accept it, you will be sent a check to deposit in compensation for your losses.


Will my premium go up after I file a claim?

Homeowners insurance rates often increase after a claim because you are seen as more of a risk to your insurance company, and you are more likely to file another claim in the future. This is most true for claims related to water damage, dog bites, and theft. You can also expect your insurance rates to go up if:

  • You live in an area with severe weather
  • Your home is located in a high-crime area
  • You have filed liability claims in the past
  • You own a home with a history of claims
  • You file more than one claim over several years

Consider choosing WebFirst Insurance for your insurance needs. We put our clients first to get you the insurance that you need, at the price you’re willing to pay.


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